Bablingua21 – ¡EMPEZAMOS!

Álvaro MediavillaNoticiasLeave a Comment

A text that reads Bablingua21 EMPEZAMOS and the photos of Shakira, Messi and José Hernádez

On page 59 of my Spanish 1 textbook, there’s a photo of Leo Messi wearing the FC Barcelona jersey. It doesn’t matter that Messi left Barcelona to play for PSG, joined Inter Miami, or if he retires. In my textbook, he’ll always be with Barça. Outdated materials like this discourage students. Take the first unit of the same textbook as … Read More

Las noticias de la semana | 3 de mayo 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

Álvaro Mediavilla presents the news.
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