We are from Spain. And as you read that, images of the Alhambra, Sagrada Familia or Prado Museum may pop into your head. We now live in Delaware. Silence. But you know, there are cool things to do and see in Delaware too. A beautiful Air force museum. And Dead Poets Society was filmed here! We’d like our students to … Read More
Día de Muertos
It takes place on 1 and 2 November, and it’s one of the most famous celebrations in the world.Even more since Disney produced Coco, not only an awesome movie but a magnificent way to integrate culture in a fun story for all audiences. So… how do we celebrate Day of the Dead in our Spanish classes? Here are some ideas!1 … Read More
No, Halloween is not a Hispanic celebration. But if you teach in the U.S., or in any country where students are really into the Halloween spirit, this is a great opportunity to have a different class. A class with ghosts. And witches. And zombies. Take a look at these resources and get ready for a spooky and fun class!1 Scary … Read More
Martín tiene una idea
You know how important it is to be able to improvise. Why? Because no matter how careful you’re with your planning, things will happen. Things like the Internet is down on the day you had a wonderful online presentation ready for your students. Bablingua is no different. We went to Colombia last summer, we filmed a lot, we were working … Read More
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month is annually celebrated from September 15 to October 15. It is a time for Americans who identify as Latino or Hispanic to celebrate and share traditions. It is also a month to recognize the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the history, culture, and achievements for the United States. It is our main celebration, so we … Read More
Los primeros días de clase: nivel intermedio y avanzado
This is our second post about what to do on the first days of class. If your students don’t speak any Spanish, you should start with this article.If they’re in Spanish 2 and above (intermediate or advanced) here are some ideas about what we do in our classes:Some things are going to be pretty much the same for all levels: … Read More
Los primeros días de clase
Avoid just getting straight to content. Are you familiar with that sentence? Our Admin keeps saying it all the time in the final days before school starts. But we teach Spanish. If we can’t go straight to content… What do we do? Wait a week to start using the target language? That doesn’t make sense. Here are some ideas and … Read More
Fecha, hora y tiempo
Hablan2 is a collection of pair work activities for the Spanish class:Perfect for role playing and improve speaking skills.Free printable cards that are super-easy to use!Editable Google slides if you’d like to make any changes.1 La fecha Objective: I can say the date and when celebrations happen. Vocabulary: numbers and months. Grammar: questions and answers in present simple. We recommend … Read More
La salud
Hablan2 is a collection of pair work activities for the Spanish class:Perfect for role playing and improve speaking skills.Free printable cards that are super-easy to use!Editable Google slides if you’d like to make any changes.These pair work activities will help your students talk about their health and role play conversations with a doctor. If you’d like to introduce the vocabulary … Read More
Cinco de Mayo
We love Cinco de Mayo as a great opportunity to celebrate Mexican culture. We’re sure these resources will help you have a wonderful class!1 Cocina fácil: el guacamole (Lesson – Spanish 2 and up) Would you like your students to prepare some authentic Mexican food on Cinco de Mayo? Even if there aren’t any cooking facilities you could use, your … Read More