Las noticias de la semana | 8 de marzo 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

Spanish teacher Álvaro Mediavilla with a background that features Rosalía, Gabriel García Márquez, a Formula One car and the celebration of International Women's Day
Puedes ver las noticias de los 21 países hispanohablantes de forma gratuita en nuestro canal de Youtube

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You can watch the news of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries completely free on our Youtube channel

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Arrancó la Fórmula 1 | 5 de marzo 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

A Spanish newspaper with the photo of a Formula One car and the title: "Arrancó la Fórmula Uno"
Puedes ver las noticias de los 21 países hispanohablantes de forma gratuita en nuestro canal de Youtube

Para acceder a este post, a los formularios de preguntas y para ver las noticias sin anuncios necesitas suscribirte a Bablingua.

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You can watch the news of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries completely free on our Youtube channel

To access this post, the self-grading quizzes and to watch the news without ads, you need to suscribe to Bablingua.

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Quiero ser… Auxiliar de vuelo

adminNueva lecciónLeave a Comment

A Spanish flight attendant answers the question "Por qué has querido ser azafata?"

The title of my last school PD of the 2022/23 academic year was Student voice. Its goal was to encourage student participation and to come up with strategies that help us listen to their input. Why?Because when students are involved in the education process they’re more engaged. When they’re more engaged, there are less discipline problems and we can focus … Read More