A class with ghosts.
And witches.
And zombies.
Take a look at these resources and get ready for a spooky and fun class!
1 Scary warm-up activities and games
Two of our free warm-ups are directly connected to Halloween.
You'll find them in the Celebraciones section.
Tu disfraz de Halloween is a super fun activity that will assign a costume to your students, depending on their birthday and initial.
Laura is Vampiro maloliente.
Álvaro is Payaso valiente.
I told you, it's a fun activity!
Halloween y Día de muertos will help students compare both celebrations. It can inspire a debate about the strengths of each celebration, and what students like about them.
Resuelve el misterio is a fun game for intermediate and advanced students.
We have a Halloween edition with zombies, skeletons, haunted houses and pumpkins.
2 Eva Perón, La Llorona and spooky students' stories
I'm sure this has happened to you:
You're in bed, at night, and you hear a mysterious noise coming from another part of your house.
What could it be? What would you do?
That's exactly what happened to Carlos Eugenio Moori.
He was a colonel in the Argentine Military Intelligence.
After the military coup that overthrew president Juan Domingo Perón, Moori was in charge of hiding Evita's dead body.
The plan was to remove a powerful symbol for so many Argentines who supported Perón and her deceased wife.
Moori became obsessed with his mission.
No matter where he hid Evita, he always thought her supporters were about to find out.
He became paranoid.
And then, one night, he heard a mysterious noise at this own home.
There was clearly something behind a curtain.
What he decided to do was the biggest mistake of his life..
We tell the whole story of what happened to Moori in the 14th chapter of 15 sueños.
15 sueños is our first reader for Spanish novice leaners and above.
An engaging book to honor the achievements of 15 Spanish champions, including Eva Perón.
The activities about the book are free.
In the activities about Evita's chapter, your students will also read about the Mexican legend of La Llorona.
And they will use those two models (La Llorona and Moori's) to write their own spooky tales.
3 A terrifying lesson
¿Qué está ocurriendo? was filmed during a real zombie parade in Madrid, Spain.
It tells the story of a young journalist that is suddenly surrounded by zombies. She decides to call her cameraman to tell the world zombies are here!
Together, they manage to infiltrate the zombie army and take wonderful shots that make the news.
This is a great lesson for these spooky days, since it combines zombies and humor.
Students will love it!
4 A Halloween story
Students will create their own Halloween short books following the steps of this 9-page activity.
They'll also learn many new words about describing a character (agresivo, nervioso, sucio, etc.) and some Halloween vocabulary (fantasma, bruja, momia, etc.)