¡Feliz Día de la Madre! | 13 de mayo 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

A Spanish newspaper with a photo and a mother, daughter and some flowers, as well as the headline: "¡Feliz Día de la Madre!"
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Día del Idioma Español | 25 de abril 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

Un periódico en español con una foto del libro Don Quijote y el titular: "El Día del español"
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You can watch the news of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries completely free on our Youtube channel

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Hoy es el Día de la Tierra | 22 de abril 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

A Spanish newspaper shows a refugee drinking water and the headline: "Hoy es el Día de la Tierra"
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You can watch the news of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries completely free on our Youtube channel

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Es el Día Mundial del Arte | 15 de abril 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

A Spanish newspaper with an image of a Diego Rivera painting and the headline "Es el Día Mundial del arte"
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Julieta Venegas en “Tiempo de Mujeres” | 20 de marzo 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

A newspaper with the image of Mexican singer Julieta Venegas and the headline: Juieta Venegas en "Tiempo de Mujeres"
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17 de marzo: Día de San Patricio | 14 de marzo 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

A Spanish newspaper with a picture of St. Patrick's Day celebration
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You can watch the news of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries completely free on our Youtube channel

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Mañana es el Día Internacional de la Mujer | 7 de marzo 2024

Álvaro MediavillaBablingua21

Women protest on 8 March, celebrating International Women's Day in a Spanish-speaking country
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El diseño de La Catrina

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A mural from Diego Rivera showing La Catrina and Frida Kahlo

Laura worked with her students on one of our Bablingua projects the other day. The one about making a photo frame about a Hispanic champion. The activity went great, but Laura was surprised most of the kids didn’t know any of those champions. Not even Frida. Or Picasso. Do your students know them? And in any case, how can we … Read More

Hacemos una ofrenda

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An ofrenda for El Día de Muertos divided in 3 different levels

I’m sure we all agree that learning by doing is one of the best educational strategies. So if you want your students to learn about El Día de Muertos, making an ofrenda is clearly the thing to do. It sounds simple. But hold your horses! If you decide to build an ofrenda, there are 2 risks you need to get … Read More

¿Qué es el Día de Muertos?

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Paper photo frames made my Spanish learners to celebrate EL Día de Muertos

This is what you’ll see by the end of this super engaging lesson about the Day of the Dead: Your students will make beautiful photo frames to decorate the class. They’ll also describe those frames in Spanish. They’ll know what Day of the Dead is about: when, where, how and why it’s celebrated. They’ll learn the basic vocabulary related to … Read More