¿Qué es el Día de Muertos?

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Paper photo frames made my Spanish learners to celebrate EL Día de Muertos

This is what you’ll see by the end of this super engaging lesson about the Day of the Dead: Your students will make beautiful photo frames to decorate the class. They’ll also describe those frames in Spanish. They’ll know what Day of the Dead is about: when, where, how and why it’s celebrated. They’ll learn the basic vocabulary related to … Read More

Día de Muertos

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Link to a post with Spanish videos and activities about Day of the Dead

It takes place on 1 and 2 November, and it’s one of the most famous celebrations in the world.Even more since Disney produced Coco, not only an awesome movie but a magnificent way to integrate culture in a fun story for all audiences. So… how do we celebrate Day of the Dead in our Spanish classes? Here are some ideas!1 … Read More

Cinco de Mayo

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Cinco de Mayo illustration featuring two dancers

We love Cinco de Mayo as a great opportunity to celebrate Mexican culture. We’re sure these resources will help you have a wonderful class!1 Cocina fácil: el guacamole (Lesson – Spanish 2 and up) Would you like your students to prepare some authentic Mexican food on Cinco de Mayo? Even if there aren’t any cooking facilities you could use, your … Read More