De México DF a Madrid

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…and we’ll take care of the setup process. 15 sueños – Pack of 10 books $85.00 Subscribe 15 sueños – Pack of 30 books $225.00 Subscribe Annual Plan $249.00 Subscribe…

Hacemos una ofrenda

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An ofrenda for El Día de Muertos divided in 3 different levels

…are confused. Let’s see how we tackle those risks using Hacemos una ofrenda.\n\n 1 Build ofrendas about Hispanic champions You can easily use this lesson by itself, but we strongly…

15 Sueños

…15 sueñosPack of 10 books\n\n$85 (Shipping included)\n\n 15 sueñosPack of 30 books\n\n$225 (Shipping included)\n\n ¡Sí! We accept Purchase Orders\n\n More resources coming soon!Join our mailing list below and stay tuned!\n\n…

15 sueños is an engaging Spanish reader that honors the achievements of fifteen inspiring Hispanic and Latino champions.

It also includes many activities to help you and your students get the most from the book.

You just need to sign up for free and you’ll be able to access all the 15 sueños activities.

15 sueños es un divertido libro para estudiantes de español que rinde homenaje a 15 líderes hispanos y latinos.

El libro viene acompañado de muchas actividades para sacarle el mayor partido a la lectura.

Solo necesitas darte de alta gratuitamente para tener acceso a todas las actividades de 15 sueños.

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BABLINGUA\n\n The teacher’s website: Download the activities that come with each lesson, play the videos and get all the information your students need to use FlippedSpanish NEW! Log in with…

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common username and password for all their staff. We do not collect any information from students. Teachers can make copies of our Google form online quizzes to track their students’…

Día de Muertos

adminCalendario2 Comments

Link to a post with Spanish videos and activities about Day of the Dead

…they bring them to class and you can build together your own ofrendas in the classroom.\n\n 7 Cultural comparison: Halloween and Day of the Dead The materials listed about will…

La familia de Karina

Álvaro MediavillaNueva lecciónLeave a Comment

Two Spanish girls on the street. One of them has her cellphone on her hand. There's a title that reads: "La familia de Karina"

comprehension and encourage discussion among students. \n\n Self-Grading Quiz: Give your students the chance to test their understanding with an interactive, self-correcting quiz. This allows them to practice independently and…


…do while watching it and afterwards, to use what they’ve learnt. That’s why our lessons come with warm-up activities, conversation and writing prompts, additional listening comprehension exercises, games and more….

Colombia: hábitos de consumo

Álvaro MediavillaNueva lecciónLeave a Comment

A young man places a shopping bag inside his car

…cultural comparison is not only something advanced students are required to do, it’s a common topic in ordinary conversations. A topic that will help students learn about other cultures while…