15 sueños – A super engaging reader

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Book cover of 15 sueños, an engaging Spanish reader for novice level readers and above

I'm sure you're familiar with this situation:
We celebrate Hispanic heritage month.
We talk about remarkable Latino champions.
Students research, and they make posters and presentations.
And yet by the end of the school year, names such as Sonia Sotomayor or Diego Rivera don't ring any bells.
Why? And how can we fix that situation?
Meaningful learning is all about connections, and that's what 15 sueños does.


Yo puedo decir mi nombre y de dónde soy.


15 sueños is a Spanish reader for Novice level students and above that honors the achievements of 15 remarkable Hispanic and Latino Champions.
It isn't a collection of facts or biographies.
It's a collection of 15 engaging stories that will help student make those connections.

What kind of connections?
Here are some examples:
Óscar de la Renta designed the uniform of the Boy and Girl Scouts.
Celia Cruz linked salsa music and "azúcar", after ordering a coffee in a Cuban restaurant.
Sonia Sotomayor became a Supreme Court judge because of her diabetes (and not "despite of").
Mario Molina helped stopping a global threat, and taught us the lesson we need to solve global warming.

An extract of 15 sueños, a Spanish reader for novice students and above, featuring a QR code and basic facts about Leo Messi
An extract of the Spanish reader 15 sueños, featuring the first tweet written in Spanish in space

The book is also much more than a reader.
It contains QR codes that lead to relevant audiovisual materials about each of the 15 featured champions.
And it comes with lots of activities to help students get the most from each story.
Activities to do before, during and after reading each chapter.

The stories are carefully written to match the main topics of the novice level: introductions, clothes, food and restaurants, weather, family, descriptions, school, free time...
Use 15 sueños as an additional resource to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, to review Spanish 1 themes or to help your early-finishers progress on their learning.
It's a great addition to your classroom library!

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