On page 59 of my Spanish 1 textbook, there’s a photo of Leo Messi wearing the FC Barcelona jersey. It doesn’t matter that Messi left Barcelona to play for PSG, joined Inter Miami, or if he retires. In my textbook, he’ll always be with Barça. Outdated materials like this discourage students. Take the first unit of the same textbook as … Read More
What is Bablingua21?
La información en español está aquí. Would you like to keep your students informed of what’s going on in the 21 Spanish-speaking countries? Would it be possible to have short videos that mix language, culture and current event? Yes, that’s exactly what Bablingua21 is about. Here’s a detailed explanation of the basics of this channel, but please reach out to … Read More
¿Para qué edades / niveles es apropiado Bablingua21?
Bablingua21, al igual que todos los materiales de Bablingua, está hecho por Laura y Álvaro. Laura es profesora de quinto curso (10 y 11 años). Álvaro tiene experiencia en Middle School (de 12 a 14), High School (14 a 18) y estudios superiores (desde 18 al infinito y más allá). Cuando preparamos los contenidos de Bablingua21 tenemos presentes todas esas … Read More
Cómo utilizar Bablingua21
Algunos profesores tienen clases de 30 minutos. Otros, de 90 (yo todavía tengo pesadillas de los años en que me tocó enseñar Spanish 1 en un instituto de 90 minutos por clase). Es imposible que con situaciones tan dispares podamos recomendar una única forma de utilizar Bablingua 21, nuestro canal de noticias sobre el mundo hispano. Pero aquí van algunas … Read More
Movies for your Spanish class
Movies are a great way to teach culture. They can also be helpful when we take a day off, and we want our sub to have an easy day. Or you may want to use them as a reward to celebrate your students’ achievements. Whatever the reason, here’s a list with of our 10 favorite movies for your Spanish classes. … Read More
15 sueños – Playlist
15 sueños is an engaging Spanish reader that uses comprehensible language, easy to understand for Novice level learners and above. It features 15 short stories that honor the achievements of fifteen inspiring Hispanic and Latino champions, such as Sonia Sotomayor, Celia Cruz or Diego Rivera. We’ve created a playlist that connects each of those champions to a song. In the … Read More
15 sueños – A super engaging reader
I’m sure you’re familiar with this situation: We celebrate Hispanic heritage month. We talk about remarkable Latino champions. Students research, and they make posters and presentations. And yet by the end of the school year, names such as Sonia Sotomayor or Diego Rivera don’t ring any bells. Why? And how can we fix that situation? Meaningful learning is all about … Read More